Horror/Suspense: My least favourite genre because I get nightmares too easily, but the appeal is real - so many young people love getting scared! Stephen King is one of the best known authors of this genre, but the content in his novels can be for mature eyes only. The ISB collection is a little weak in this genre for middle school readers, so if you know of some titles we should get, please email me (jlevitt@isb.bj.edu.cn)!
Activity 1: Notice the language the author uses to create the mood of the story. Collect examples in a journal to try out in your own writing. Mimicking the moves of an accomplished writer is an excellent way to develop your own craft.
Activity 2: Some of the characters in these stories are creepy - try doing some stage makeup by watching and learning from YouTube/Instagram tutorials. A quick search online using the keywords "horror movie makeup tutorials" yields some promising results.