Daily Life through History explores the daily lives of ordinary people through time and across the globe, providing details about family life, work, food, clothing, sports, language, literature, romance, education, gender roles, social customs, and more.
World Geography provides authoritative content and online tools that develop students’ global literacy, focusing on the geographic, political, social, economic, and cultural forces that are increasingly important in our globalized world.
World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras explores ancient civilizations, dynasties, and empires and profiles city-states, countries, and regions of the ancient and medieval world, providing a dynamic learning experience that encompasses intellectual developments, wars and cooperation, religion, cultural practices, and more from prehistory through to the beginning of the Renaissance.
World History: The Modern Era provides for comprehensive study of the emergence of the modern world, covering the history of the world from 1500 to the present. Students will learn about the evolution of modern Europe since the Renaissance; concurrent developments in Asia, Africa, and the Islamic world; the global impact of the Industrial Revolution; revolutions in France and Latin America; imperialism; nationalism; World Wars I and II; growing global powers, and more. Off campus access: username: isbstudent, password: isbstudent. You can also log in via Clever.