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G5 Global Citizenship

Philosophy Statement

We aspire to infuse Service Learning into the curriculum and across the co-curricular program at the International School of Beijing.  It is a captivating, challenging, and relevant learning journey that integrates purposeful action with instruction and reflection. Service Learning is a key component of Learning at its Best and develops compassion and empathy, strengthens communities, and nurtures a global mindset.


As an EY-12 Service Learning program, we value:
  • Sharing of ourselves, our resources, our skills, and our learning in order to benefit our on-campus, local, and global communities 

  • Experiences across the four types of service learning: direct, indirect, advocacy and research. 

  • Reciprocal and mutually beneficial relationships for all stakeholders.

We believe that students learn through service best when they:
  • Recognize that it takes more than good intentions to make an impact 

  • Understand the systems of power that are at play in perpetuating inequality 

  • Understand their own privilege and place in the world 

  • Utilize and value the strengths and expertise of the community beneficiaries. 

  • Believe that everyone has the right to a life of dignity 

  • Believe that to impact another community, we need to become a community ourselves 

  • Take a strengths-based approach when analyzing community need. 

  • Engage in reflection as an omnipresent component of their learning journey

Service Learning Cycle

What makes for good Service Learning?

Some factors include:

Finding the right partnerships
Understanding context
Involving students in needs analysis – uncovering REAL needs, not perceived needs; taking a strengths-based approach to analyzing community needs
Space for students to learn and practice the skills and dispositions to be successful

Recognition that it takes more than good intentions to make an impact

What might action look like?

Global Citizenship

A connected concept that is valuable for service learning is global citizenship.  ISB defines a global citizen as someone who: 

  • effectively interacts with the local and global community 
  • takes action to make their community and the world a more equitable and sustainable place 
  • takes responsibility for their actions 
  • has a mindset of openness and empathy for all people  
  • respects and values human dignity and diversity