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ES: G2 7Rs: Reducing Waste


Driving Question

How can we as 2nd graders persuade people to reduce waste?


Enduring Understanding

Humans impact the sustainability of Earth's resources. 


Essential Questions


    How are humans impacting Earth's resources?   


    What is the responsibility of humans? 



K-ESS3.3 Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or other living things in the local environment. 

Identify solutions that will reduce the human impact on land, water, air, and/or other living things  

Communicate solutions that will reduce the human impact on land, water, air, and/or other living things  


4-ESS3.1 Modified standardConnect the use of natural resources to the environment ( i.e. ; loss of habitat due to dams or mining, air pollution from burning coal) 

Identify natural resources 

Connect the use of natural resources on the environment (i.e.; loss of habitat due to dams or mining, air pollution from burning coal 

What We Are Doing

Student Action Videos

Key Vocabulary

Earth 地球   지구
Resources 资源   자원
Sustainability 可持续性 ​ 지속 가능
Environment 环境   환경
Impact 影响   영향
Human 人类  ​사람
Responsibility 责任  ​ 책임
Reduce 减少   줄이다
Reuse 再利用   재사용
Recycle 回收   재활용