How can we as 2nd graders persuade people to reduce waste?
Humans impact the sustainability of Earth's resources.
How are humans impacting Earth's resources?
What is the responsibility of humans?
K-ESS3.3 Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or other living things in the local environment.
Identify solutions that will reduce the human impact on land, water, air, and/or other living things
Communicate solutions that will reduce the human impact on land, water, air, and/or other living things
4-ESS3.1 Modified standard: Connect the use of natural resources to the environment ( i.e. ; loss of habitat due to dams or mining, air pollution from burning coal)
Identify natural resources
Connect the use of natural resources on the environment (i.e.; loss of habitat due to dams or mining, air pollution from burning coal
Earth | 地球 | 지구 |
Resources | 资源 | 자원 |
Sustainability | 可持续性 | 지속 가능 |
Environment | 环境 | 환경 |
Impact | 影响 | 영향 |
Human | 人类 | 사람 |
Responsibility | 责任 | 책임 |
Reduce | 减少 | 줄이다 |
Reuse | 再利用 | 재사용 |
Recycle | 回收 | 재활용 |