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Panda Book Awards

Shortlists for School Year 2023-2024

Would you like to know more about the Panda Book Awards' history, the criteria used to choose the books, or read a very short book talk about each title in the shortlists?

Access this slide deck to find out more: Panda Book Award Launch 2023-2024

You can access the slide deck for this year's Chinese Panda Book Awards parent presentation here: Chinese Panda Book Award Launch 2023-2024

These presentations were created by the ISB Librarians and Chinese PBA Steering Committee as part of the official launch of the Panda Book Awards at the International School of Beijing for the school year 2023-2024.

When sharing with interested readers, please ensure ISB's intellectual property rights are respected by giving credit to the original creators.

Below are this year's shortlisted titles. You can access the long lists here.
Add these to your shopping list!

We give thanks to Obido book sellers for their partnership in this Award.

Aaron Tearne, owner of Obido, assists the shortlist committees through the complicated procedures and policies around importation of Panda Book Award shortlist titles.