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Chinese Panda Book Awards


Chinese Panda Book Reading Initiative






  • 邀请著名作家做客ISB
  • “熊猫杯”书行万里读书挑战赛

What is Chinese Panda Reading Initiative?

The Chinese Panda Reading Initiative started in 2015. Our mission is promoting in students an enjoyment of and lifelong interest in Chinese language and literature. This reading initiative encourages young learners of the Chinese language to appreciate the stylistic and aesthetic qualities of Chinese texts. We envision a future that all learners of Chinese language enjoy reading Chinese books of their own choice, and the passion of reading will become a good auxiliary for their language learning. 

Panda Book Awards. The Chinese Panda Reading Initiative Steering Committee provides a shortlist of book titles for the community every year. The booklist is to present a wide range of periods, styles and genres. Students are encouraged to read and participate in the voting in March. The finalists will be announced on World Book and Copyright Day. 

Visiting Authors and Guest Speakers. The committee will invite writers, experts, and literacy specialists to the school to interact with our students, in the forms of forums, seminars, reading and writing workshops, etc. 

Publications of students’ work. The committee will provide various opportunities for student to publish and share their works via different media platforms, e.g. radio broadcast, magazine articles, journals, etc. 

Language Events. The committee will organize and encourage students to participate in a variety of language events.

  • Meet Famous Children’s Literature Writer 
  •  “Panda Cup” Books on Wheels Challenge